Sometimes my Windows server 2012 R2 has RDP connect problem below:
The remote session was disconnected because there are no Remote Desktop client access licenses available for this computer. |
本篇讨论如何通过 Jenkins generic webhook trigger 插件来获取 Git 仓库事件(Events)。比如获取仓库的 Pull Request ID 等。
使用过 Jenkins Multi-branch pipeline Job 的用户知道,这个 Job 类型的环境变量中可以得到 Pull Request 的相关信息如下
为了获取这个变量需要创建这种类型的 Job,并且可能需要 clone 该仓库的代码,有点杀鸡宰牛的意思,看起来并不是一个特别恰当的办法。
如何通过创建一个普通的 Jenkins Job 就能实时获取 Bitbucket 仓库以及 Pull Request 事件呢?通过以下功能和插件可以实现。
Summarize what did I do from 2019.03 to 2020.07 when I became a Build Release/DevOps engineer.
Integration with Jenkins
Integration with JFrog Ariifactory
When I upgrade Jenkins 2.176.3 to Jenkins 2.235.1, my Windows agent can not connect with master successfully and outcome this warning message “.NET Framework 2.0 or later is required on this computer to run a Jenkins agent as a Windows service”.
I am Xianpeng, a build engineer. Today, I am going to share with you three Jenkins Practice.
I will talk about Configuration as code, followed up with shared libraries, and then Multi-Branch Pipeline in the end.
What is Configuration as Code?
Configuration as code (CAC) is an approach that managing configuration resources in a bitbucket repository